A man uses a smart phone to adjust his thermostat

Environmental stewardship

At Invitation Homes, we are committed to creating a better way to live and being a force for positive change. At the same time, we are advancing efforts that make our company more innovative and our processes more sustainable. Protecting the environment is critically important to us, and our corporate responsibility initiatives help limit the company’s carbon footprint and the environmental impact of our homes. 

Unlike in many other real estate sectors, green building certifications are not applicable in the single-family rental sector.  We focus on environmental sustainability because we  recognize that our operations can have a meaningful impact on the environment. While each resident is solely responsible for utilities that control energy and water usage, we seek to address environmental impacts within our control and encourage our residents to do the same in their homes.

Our progress towards sustainability:

We use energy-efficient ENERGY STAR® certified appliances when feasible.

Utility savings are passed on to residents when we replace HVAC units with models that offer greater efficiency.

We use Smart Home technology to help residents manage their homes and save up to 15% on energy bills.

Our 3rd-party utilities vendor notifies us when utility consumption in a home is abnormally high. In these cases, we provide the residents with suggestions on how they can reduce their energy usage.

By investing in the Fifth Wall Climate Technology Fund, we support companies creating climate-friendly technologies for real estate.

Deficient plumbing is regularly replaced with low-flow plumbing fixtures.

We are reducing drive times for our repair technicians by optimizing routes and triaging maintenance issues.

We offer our residents an HVAC Air Filter Delivery program. This program helps prolong the life of our HVAC systems, reduce expenses associated with repairs, minimize downtime associated with system failure, and provide better air quality in the home as well as for the environment.

Our Green Spaces community initiative brings residents, associates and partners together to develop and improve outdoor community spaces in our markets.

We've installed water-saving landscape designs in arid locations.

We're committed to educating our residents about energy-efficient practices.

Our teams are eliminating paper use among field technicians by utilizing software to electronically receive and process work orders.

Vehicles are regularly stocked with tools and supplies to reduce trips to hardware stores and eliminate unnecessary travel.

Turns and maintenance

Renovations offer an opportunity to install energy-efficient fixtures and appliances in our existing portfolio. As an example, we install a variety of low-flow plumbing fixtures to save on water consumption. We also use durable materials such as granite countertops and luxury vinyl plank flooring.  The carpet products we use are manufactured using recyclable bottles as the primary material.  Since 2018, through the installation of flooring made of recycled materials in many of our homes, we saved more than 100 million plastic bottles from landfills. Laid end-to-end, these bottles would stretch more than 12,000 miles — approximately half the distance around the planet, and almost twice the distance around the moon.


Our ProCare service helps us proactively identify home performance improvement opportunities that can prevent larger issues from occurring later.  Through this program, we proactively engage with each home and each resident multiple times annually, ensuring that we can make any tune-ups needed to maintain the home to our standards. 

Move-In Orientation – We perform a comprehensive multi-point inspection and updates to each home so it’s in top shape for our residents when they move in. We walk through the house with residents and explain its systems, from how to change the air filters to adjusting the thermostat for optimal use.  This is an opportunity to show residents how to run their systems as efficiently as possible.

45-day follow-up– Once our residents are settled in, we return about 45 days later to make sure everything is working just as it should. This allows us an opportunity to fix any issues before they result in bigger problems.  We address any resident concerns, answer questions, and point out actions residents can take to help proactively maintain the home in a resourceful manner. 

6-month checkup– To stay on top ofour homes’ maintenance needs, we schedule a checkup every six months. We focus on catching small issues early to prevent bigger problems later. On each visit, one of our technicians will check the home’s plumbing, appliances, and cooling and heating system, as well as inspect the structure and safety of each home. 

Smart Home technology

Our Smart Home technology is a service that helps our residents manage access to their homes and save up to 15% on their energy bills. With our Smart Home features, residents can remotely lock and unlock the front door, control the thermostat, and receive notifications about their home – all virtually. In some locations, we offer video doorbell capability, which provides an extra measure of safety and security for our residents. 

Our Smart Home features also allow us to control thermostats in vacant homes, so we can keep the temperature at a more energy-efficient setting and reduce energy consumption in between leases.  If a vendor lowers or raises the temperature while working in a vacant home, the thermostat will reset back to the default schedule every hour to maintain optimum energy efficiency. 

Our long-term target is to have 100% of the homes in our Same Store portfolio equipped with Smart Home capability.  To get there, we are installing Smart Home technology in all newly acquired homes and on all turns of existing homes if the technology is not already in place. 

Natural disaster preparedness

We recognize that the effects of climate change put some of our markets at risk for natural disasters, including but not limited to: tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires.  Our internal risk management team works with multiple third-party administrators to increase our bandwidth to respond quickly and efficiently to various natural disasters.  Partnering with multiple vendors allows us to split claims geographically, optimizing how we respond to resident issues and resulting in quicker repairs so that our residents may continue to safely inhabit their home after the disaster. 

Climate change

As the climate continues to change, and with a portfolio located in a variety of U.S. markets that include coastal areas, we recognize the increased likelihood of acute weather events and other climate-related impacts to our business, operations, and homes.  We take a proactive approach to protect our properties against potential risks related to climate change and business interruptions, and we recognize that we must continue to adapt our policies, objectives, and processes to improve the resiliency of our physical properties and our business. 

Invitation Homes also takes a proactive approach to improving the environmental footprint of our portfolio.  We recognize that one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions is the production of materials used in construction projects.  At Invitation Homes, our core business is acquiring existing homes and improving them for our future residents.  Our improvements help reduce the emission of carbon from the use of the homes, as well as water consumption.  Examples of these improvements include: 

  • Upon acquisition, we ensure that homes have appropriate insulation and windows. 

  • Where possible, we install new, energy-efficient appliances and use energy-efficient materials. 

  • We install hard surface materials for flooring and countertops that last longer and are more aesthetically pleasing. 

  • We equip our homes with remote programmable Smart Home thermostats that allow our residents to carefully monitor and run their heating and cooling more efficiently. 

  • When a home is vacant, our Smart Home technology enables us to monitor and control home temperatures remotely to significantly lower energy usage. 

  • We provide an HVAC filter delivery program to help residents improve the efficiency of their heating and air conditioning systems. 

  • We install water-saving landscaping designs in arid locations. 

  • We educate new residents on how to properly use their homes in an energy-efficient manner. 

We take our responsibility for carbon emissions seriously and continue to look for ways to lower the level of emissions from our homes. 

In addition, Invitation Homes is an investor in Fifth Wall’s Climate Technology Fund.  The Climate Technology Fund invests in technologies that address decarbonization across all stages of and asset classes within the global real estate ecosystem, including materials, construction, operations, and revitalization.